About Pixel

The magazine is offered as a free download via third party hosting site Issuu. It is envisaged that Pixel will remain a non-profit making venture. If, in the future, Pixel does make a profit this will be returned to fund Pennine Lancashire photography and arts projects.
Currently, there is no charge made for advertising Pennine Lancashire photography and art related businesses. There will never be a charge made for arts and photography organisations that are run by volunteers such as camera clubs.
We do not offer or take payment for any contributions to Pixel.
Contributing to Pixel
One of the main features of Pixel Magazine is that it is as much about the people behind the art and photography as the art and photography itself. With this in mind we prefer if the photographer and artist write their own contribution rather than we conduct a formal interview.
There are several ways that you can contribute to Pixel Magazine.
In - Profile
The easiest way to contribute to Pixel and get your work seen is by submitting an article in the In-Profile section of the magazine. For this we need a document (preferably typed in Microsoft Word) sized at A4. We want to know about you and your photography that is what makes Pixel special. Think about how you started in photography, what you like to photograph, what you would like to achieve from your photography. There is no limit on the length of your document but we would like a minimum of a page of A4.
In addition to the text we need 12 photographs. These can be of anything you like but please remember, these are going to showcase your work so they need to be of a good standard. All photographs must be submitted as a 2mb Jpeg file.
Fancy something a bit more challenging? A photo-essay is a great way of demonstrating your photography and writing skills. This can consist with as much text as you like with as many photographs as you like. Have a look at Bob's Paris or Lee's Remnants article in our monochrome edition for ideas (see below).
Open publication - Free publishing - More art
You must make sure that the text and photographs flow and tell a story.
You must make sure that the text and photographs flow and tell a story.
Technical Article
Got a technique or learnt something you want to share? Then why not write us an article about it? Write as much text as you need and include as many images as possible to show your working. Contact us for more guidance.
News Article
Got something you want to tell us? Just email us a word document with any photographs that you would like to add.
Want us to advertise your club, event or business then please contact us for more information.
Please Note: While we endeavor to publish as many submissions as possible we reserve the right to hold articles for use in future issues or reject submissions that we do not feel are of sufficient quality or appropriate subject matter. By submitting an article the author declares that it is of his/her own work and they are the owner of any copyright.